Having reviewed the information on our website, you may still have some questions about Freemasonry or the Isca Lodge in particular. Should you have any queries, please feel free to send us a message and we will endeavour to answer your questions!
If you are ready to apply for membership of the Isca Lodge you can complete our enquiry form and start your journey on becoming a member of our Fraternity.
Newport Masonic Hall, Lower Dock Street, Newport, NP20 2AH
We meet on the 3rd Wednesday of September, October, January, March and May.
Installation Meeting is held in January.
Regular Lodge Meetings Open at 6.30pm, Visitors are received at 7pm.
Installation Meetings at 4pm, Visitors are received at 4.30pm.
Please Note:
These times may vary due to the Meeting Agenda, please request a copy of the Lodge Summons to ensure you have the up to date information!