Isca Lodge welcomes applications from joining members and people from all backgrounds who wish to become a Freemason. The Lodge aims to empower members to be the best they can be by building character, supporting fellow members as individuals and helping them make a positive contribution to society.
Dave Thomas
Isca is a Masonic Craft Lodge, within the Province of Monmouthshire, where meetings are held, and members meet together.
Craft Masonry is the starting point of every Mason's journey through the Order. Without it none of the other orders which follow could exist. It is therefore the most important element of Freemasonry.
We meet at the Masonic Hall, Lower Dock Street, Newport, NP20 2AG.
The Lodge meets five times a year, on the 3rd Wednesday of September, October, January, March and May. Regular Lodge meetings usually open at 6.30pm, Visitors are received at 7pm. The Installation Meeting is held in January and usually open at 4pm, Visitors are received at 4.30pm.
When the meeting starts, there is Lodge business to conduct, such as reading the minutes of the last meeting, discussing the Lodge finances and reading any communications received. The Charity Steward will give a report on any upcoming events and charity activities. The Lodge Almoner will give a very important report on the welfare of members who are not able to be present, together with their family’s well being. Our Lodge meetings are also ceremonial that involve a series of formalised and symbolic presentations for Candidates who progress through the 3 Degrees in Craft Freemasonry.
Visiting other Lodges is an important and enjoyable part of Freemasonry. Once the Lodge business in concluded, the Lodge receives any visiting Freemasons that are in attendance. Visitors can consist of Grand Officers, Provincial Grand Lodge Officers, Worshipful Masters and members of other Lodges. Visiting other Lodges allows members to support their fellow Masters, members and candidates going through a ceremony. In return you get to make new friends and get to see the different traditions and ceremonies practised.
There are four ceremonies that are conducted in a Craft Lodge. These are the Annual Installation of the new Worshipful Master and the three distinct ceremonies, called degrees. The First Degree is called a ceremony of Initiation and once completed the candidate is known as an Entered Apprentice. The Second Degree is called the ceremony of Passing and the candidate will then be known as a Fellowcraft. The Third Degree ceremony is called the ceremony of Raising, this is the final ceremony and the candidate becomes a Master Mason.
The final part of the meeting usually involves members sharing an enjoyable meal together, known as a Festive Board. This is where we usually propose toasts and there are normally a few short speeches.
This is also the time where we raise money for charity and this is usually done by holding a raffle, with donated prizes from the members of the Lodge.
The Isca Lodge organises a variety of social functions throughout the year, which are supported by our members, their family, friends and members of other Lodges.
The Festive Board is just as important as the lodge meeting, this where we enjoy the social side of Freemasonry and chat with friends old & new.
The Gala Dinner is our formal event hosted by the Worshipful Master and it is attended by Masons, Non-Masons and their partners.
Seasonal Functions are our family friendly events and less formal than a Gala Dinner, such as our Lessons & Carols Service in December.
W.Bro Ray J. Jones, PProvSGD was Installed as Worshipful Master for the second time.
Bro Lewis Smith, was initiated into Freemasonry and became an Entered Apprentice Freemason.
Bro Dan Fullick, was Rasied to the Sublime Degree of a Master Mason.
Bro Richard Fullick, was Rasied to the Sublime Degree of a Master Mason.