The club was founded with the aim of giving young and/or new to Freemasons in Monmouthshire a channel to meet and socialise with those of a similar age group and at a similar stage of their Masonic journeys.
To promote active participation by its members in the full scope of Freemasonry by organising events which encourage all new and young Freemasons of Monmouthshire to meet, socialise and explore the inner meaning of the Craft.
All New (having been a Freemason for less than 10 years) and Young (under the age of 45 years) are eligible to join if they are active Craft or Holy Royal Arch Masons within the Province, or hold a domicile or professional attachment within the Province.
The Cub's Official Launch took place on Friday 16th June 2017 at Newport Masonic Hall. The meeting was attended by the Provincial Grand Master, Richard G. Davies, Deputy Provincial Grand Master, VW.Bro Christopher R. Evans and other Provincial Executive Officers.
There were speeches given by the Inaugural Club President (PGM), DPGM, Club Chairman and Provincial Grand Charity Steward. A raffle was held which raised £200 for the Club TLC Appeal and £132 was raised from the sale of Teddy Loving Care (TLC) merchandise.
The Mon Light Blues Club Members support the Province with their Masonic and Social events. One of the main Provincial events of the year is the Monmouthshire Masons Classic and Vintage vehicle show in Abergavenny. Here they support the organisers by managing the car parking, guiding the spectators, and managing a stall to promote the Club, while raising money for TLC Monmouthshire.
The Members also support the Province by acting as stage stewards during the Annual Provincial Grand Lodge Meeting.
Club events will typically include social, Masonic and community events. Examples of which can be taken from the Club quarterly communication. They include open socials, charitable fundraisers, activity events, visits to Lodge meetings within and outside of the Province, culminating with the AGM.
TLC Monmouthshire is part of the Teddies for Loving Care (TLC) which is a nationwide Masonic Charity that provides teddies for children who are admitted to A&E Units, to comfort them through their ordeal.
The Mon Light Blues Club administers the scheme on behalf of the Masonic Province of Monmouthshire.
Mon Light Blue Club are now registered with easyfundraising, which means you can help us for FREE. Whenever you buy anything online – from your weekly shop to your annual holiday – you could be raising free donations for Mon Light Blues Club TLC Appeal with easyfundraising?
There are over 7,000 brands on board ready to make a donation – including eBay, Argos, John Lewis, ASOS, and M&S – and it won’t cost you a penny extra to help us raise funds.
All you need to do is:
There are no catches or hidden charges and Mon Light Blues Club TLC Appeal will be really grateful for your donations.