The Lodge of Instruction comprises of members from Isca Lodge No.683,
Silurian Lodge No.471, AEPOW Lodge No.1420, and NIOBA Lodge No. 5264.
we also welcome participation from members of other Lodges within Monmouthshire.
The Isca Lodge of Instruction is associated and works under the Sanction of the Isca Lodge No.683, but is not constituted separately but governed by the Ancient Landmarks, and Regulations of the Order as established by Grand Lodge, although applied in a more relaxed manner while still remaining faithful to the principles of the Craft.
The Lodge of Instruction is organised by a Committee which consists of a Preceptor nominated from each member Lodge, a Secretary and a Treasurer. Once a year the Committee calls an open meeting, where all members of the Lodge of Instruction can attend.
All Worshipful Masters, Past Masters, Officers of the Lodges and all other Master Masons are welcome to attend the Lodge of Instruction, not just those who wish to progress into Lodge Offices.
Entered Apprentices and Fellow Crafts are also welcome to join us although they may have to leave for a short while during a Ceremony. They will be accompanied by an experienced Mason who can answer any questions that they may have. There are also a number of experienced Past Masters at the meeting who are always willing to offer advice and encouragement. The dress code is smart casual and an Apron must be worn.
It is normal that once you have attained the degree of a Master Mason you will start to move through the seven progressive offices, resulting in your becoming the Worshipful Master. Each progressive office has a role to play in each ceremony that is performed, although taking office is your choice. If you decide to hold office, you will be expected to learn your part in the ritual and play a role in the team that carry out the various ceremonies.
The Isca Lodge of Instruction gives the Officers of Lodges the opportunity to occupy the position that they expect to fill at their next Installation. This will enable them to practise a Ceremony from a seat which until then is unfamiliar. There are also opportunities for any Brother to practice any additional Ritual or Signs from the Ceremonies, should they so desire.
The Isca Lodge of Instruction makes all the difference in learning the Ritual, whilst the words should be learned at home, regular attendance at the Lodge of Instruction gives you the opportunity to practice ritual, gain confidence and skill which enables us to give candidates the most meaningful experience during the ceremonies. It also helps you to gain a better understanding of the Ceremonies and the Emulation Ritual in a more relaxed atmosphere.
The Lodge of Instruction meetings are held on the first Thursday of every month between September and May at The Masonic Hall, Lower Dock Street, Newport. The meetings start at 7pm, where the minutes from the last regular Lodge of Instruction are approved and we then rehearse either one of the three Degree Ceremonies or the Installation. Once we complete the Ceremony we close the Lodge in the usual manner.
Once a year at the May meeting, we hold our Annual Festival which is supported by the Provincial Grand Master, the Deputy Provincial Grand Master and other members of the Province who enjoy witnessing the high standard of Ritual that we can achieve at the Lodge of Instruction. The format for the Festival is a variety of Ritual which is used in our Lodges and Lectures from the Emulation Book of Lectures of the 3 Degrees. The Festival is an ideal opportunity for Brethren to experience the Offices in a Regular Lodge environment with full dress and Regalia. This meeting is then followed by a Festival Dinner where the Brethren can experience their Offices at the Festive Board and become comfortable with how the After Proceedings are conducted.
For more information!
Newport Masonic Hall, Lower Dock Street, Newport, NP20 2AH