TLC Monmouthshire provides unique teddies to the A&E unit at the Grange University Hospital, Cwmbran. They are given to children when they attend A&E, to keep them calm and to give them some comfort while receiving treatment and they get to take it home.
TLC is locally managed by members of individual Provinces, who also volunteer their time to run the scheme. Since its inception in 2001, 3.5 million teddies have been distributed to hospitals throughout England and Wales.
These teddies are unique, individually wrapped and only available to purchase by Masonic Provinces who have a TLC programme that donates to A&E Departments.
Monmouthshire TLC is fully funded through the generous donations of Freemasons, their families and supporters of our fundraising events.
Carl Karcher
Monmouthshire Masonic Classic & Vintage Vehicle Show